
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

A strange day with Drood Shareef

Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

Shahnaz; Gujranwala

This happened on January of this month when we came to you for medicine. What happened was that when we came to you on Tuesday the weather was really bad but we had to meet you one way or the other. My brother was not making up his mind but mother said that we have to go. So we started the journey from the house; we were supposed to reach in the morning. At almost 11 o clock, the bus started and we were praying that may we reach on time with peace. First of all i recited Drood Sharif and whatever i had remembered such as DroodShareef and AyatUlKursi and other prayers and other Surahs plus what you had told us to recite and in the end Drood Shareef. I was also praying that may GOD make everything right and we should reach Lahore before your appointment. So the bus kept on going and we reached Lahore and we entered Lahore. Before bridge of Ravi there is a market which is known as Shahdra Bazaar. There was so much traffic jam that we got scared in our heart and there was a long queue of cars that i can’t narrate. May be it was first time that I had seen such a long traffic jam. My brother was saying that almost2 to 3 thousand cars were stuck and we were behind traffic. I kept on reciting the Drood Shareef in my heart and made a spiritual connection with GOD that O lord you have brought us here and you must take care of us.  Now the driver of our bus took another road which was coming from the other side. And there were 2 roads leading into Lahore. Middle one was going back. Our driver instead of taking the side on which there was traffic jam, he took the road which was leading to the bazaar. When he tried to do so, one or two people stopped him that there is a procession ahead and don’t go forward.  It was a procession against load shedding of gas. But the driver took a turn and thought what will be, will be. Believe me! I didn’t stop reciting Drood Shareef for a second and I was very scared that if we would have been stuck we would have had to go back to Gujranwala which was not acceptable for us. As there wasn’t any assurance that when we will be able to see you again. All the traffic had come to a halt.  Our bus was moving forward but when I looked at the other side i was scared as I was not sure what will happen next but we kept on going through the bazaar. We reached a stop and then the driver stopped the bus and told us that this is his stop. He loads off the passengers at this stop. Now we were standing in the bazaar and we hadn’t even reached Lahore; not even the bridge of Ravi. Everybody got off and I kept on reciting DroodShareef and i didn’t stop for a second. I was completely hopeful that God will take us to the destination. When we got out there was so much crowd and there was a long queue on the other side of the road. We thanked God that the driver didn’t take the other route or may be it was due to my prayers and Drood Shareef. Anyway, when we got out there was so much people and procession that we were scared. Somehow we got out and took a rickshaw and reached you. We were late but thankful to GOD that we reached .Even when I was there I kept on reciting just like the way I did it while we were coming. Because the way we came to you we were supposed to go back the same way. By the time we got free from you azan Maghreb started. We took the medicine and got out and then remembered that since morning we have just done breakfast in a small quantity and throughout the day we hadn’t eaten anything even after reaching Lahore. My brother was saying that there is nothing available outside Ubqari office. The shops are really far away and i had just taken just two gulps of water at TasbeehKhana. Believe me before that me and my mother had headache, but when we got the DAM from you and after that neither we felt headache nor hunger. We felt such peace at our heart that i can’t narrate. Now we got out at the time of Maghrib and it was almost time of Isha;Isha time had occurred in Lahore. And while going in rickshaw we were going here and there; from one stop to another stop. Wherever we were finding vehicle there was none available for Gujranwala and weather was bad plus there was winter in addition to that there was load shedding and plus we hadn’t eaten since morning. Now no vehicle was a problem for all 3 of us; me, my brother and my mother.  I was reciting Drood Shareef and other prayers that the way we came to you we shouldn’t feel such problems when we return to Gujranwala. I don’t remember for how long we were standing on the road and somebody was saying sit in the vehicle for Sheikhupura somebody was saying for Sialkot but nothing was available for Gujranwala and for 2 or 3 hours we were roaming around in rickshaw and my brother was saying that I had already told you about not going to Lahore but my mother was saying that now we have to go home. There was only one hope that people were saying that vehicles come where we were standing and if it didn’t show up now then there will no car available. We didn’t leave hope and kept on reciting Drood Shareef and prayers. While we were standing on the road, out of nowhere a vehicle showed up for Gujranwala; we were amazed and surprised that a few moment back there was nothing and now there was vehicle standing before us.We thanked God and sat in it and almost at 9 30 we reached home. It was all due to Drood Shareef and due to prayers that we had begged from GOD from the core of our heart. It was due to Drood Shareef that our vehicle from Shahdra Bazaar went to vegetable market even though people had stopped us that there is a procession but the driver took us. It was due to recitation that we got out of traffic and so many crowds and reached you. Out of nowhere, on our return this unknown help came from nowhere; that vehicle came in front of us in which we were supposed to go back when all hopes had finished. When we reached Gujranwala and at home we had dinner and we were not hungry at all. May be it was due to Dam from you and by the grace of GOD we felt no hunger and had an excellent way travelling back and I cant tell you that when I reached home I was still reciting Drood Shareef  from my heart and from my tongue. And it kept on happening throughout my travelling and I was surprised that GOD you have done so much favour to us and I would just like to say that if a person has true dedication in heart and strong will and complete faith on GOD then you do find the destination. Whatever part of Quran you will recite and just also recite BISMILLAH, we reach destination but true dedication and complete trust should be there on the GOD who is merciful and blissful. In the end Hazarat Sahib it was absolutely due to your prayers and please remember me and my folks and in your prayers. May God keep you happy always.Ameen.

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